TEXT: ACTS 1: 1 – 11


After the glorious resurrection, Jesus showed himself alive to several witnesses for about forty days, teaching them about the kingdom of God.

At the end of it all, He instructed them not to depart from Jerusalem yet, until they received the endowment of power by the Holy Spirit. He told them that the endowment will give them the ability to witness of him in Jerusalem and to the uttermost part of the earth.

After resurrection of Jesus Christ, Peter and some disciples went back to fishing but caught nothing. When Jesus appeared and asked them to cast their net, they caught a lot of fishes. Thereafter Jesus commended Peter to feed his lamb.

After all the contact that Jesus had after resurrection, he formally ascended into heaven.

In this lesson, we shall be considering the post-resurrection activities of Jesus Christ and how they affect us as Christians, some of which are as follows:


  • THE KINGDOM OF GOD – Dan. 7: 18, II Cor. 5: 7, Heb. 11: 1, Rm. 10: 17, Matt. 28: 18

For us to possess the Kingdom, we must as Christians, understand the Kingdom, enter the Kingdom and walk by the Principles and lifestyle of the Kingdom.

  • THE POWER FROM ON HIGH – Acts 1: 8

Jesus Christ promised to send the Holy Spirit to the church to empower and energize her to do the will of God and win the world back to him when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

  • You will understand the word of God more clearly – Lk 24:45, I Jn. 2: 27
  • You will be able to pray more effectively – Rom. 8: 26 – 28
  • You will be able to share the message of the gospel of Jesus with others with great power – Acts 4: 33
  • You will love the Lord with all your heart – Rom. 5: 5
  • You will be able to love your neighbour as yourself – Rom. 5:5
  • You will be able to discern the will of God for your life more clearly – Eph. 5: 17 – 18
  • FEED MY LAMB – John 21: 15 – 16, Jer. 3: 15, Gal. 4: 19

Jesus always wants His lambs to be nurtured (tenderly taken care of) and His sheep feed. It has always been His desire to bless His church with men having the heart of a shepherd, who will feed his people with the word of God in order to achieve this.

  • One must be a true disciple of Christ
  • One must be involved in soul winning
  • One must be involved in teaching, nurturing and encouraging young converts in Christ
  • One must be involved in building up the saints of God using ones gifts and talents in contributing to the perfection of the Saints.
  • You must be an example of what you are trying to teach, exhibiting the life of Christ in our day to day conduct.

CONCLUSION: The words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus after his resurrection are very crucial to the growth and existence of the church (His body) here on earth. When the church takes them very seriously, it will lead to the growth and development of the church on earth. May the Lord help us in Jesus name. Amen.


Matthew 28: 19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

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