BABIC2019 Prayers focus

Bible Alive Believers International Convention, BABIC2019 with the theme, “The Lord Strong and Mighty” prayers and fasting focus for 27 days is as follows;

DAY 1: September 17th
- Thank God for all His benefits
- Pray that God will ignite our prayer life with fire.
- Pray against the power of stagnation.
- O Lord, open up my spiritual understanding.
- Lord, purge my life with fire.
- Command every dead bone in your life, family, etc to come alive in the name of Jesus.
- Let every hindrance and barrier to this prayer journey be rolled away.
- Command your destiny to change for the best.
- Lord, let your plan and purpose for my life prevail.
- Thank the Lord for prayers answered.
DAY 2: September 18th
- Pray that God will turn your mourning to dancing and your tears to joy.
- Command the crooked areas of your life to begin to yield testimonies, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, restore me to the perfect way in which you created me.
- Break every power of the enemy trying to control your life.
- Decree breakthroughs in every area of your life.
- O Lord, energize and refresh me.
- Command all closed doors of goodness to open unto you.
- Declare, I receive the anointing to excel above my contemporaries, in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that anywhere you go, you will find favour, in the name of Jesus.
- Thank the Lord for what He has done.
DAY 3: September 19th
- Pray that the grace that manifested in the life of Zerubbabel will manifest in the lives of members of the Central working committee in BABIC 2019.
- Paralyze all the demonic powers assigned to hinder them.
- Ask God to fill them with the wisdom that they need.
- Destroy anything that is going to stand between them and success.
- Pray for God’s protection upon their lives and families.
- Ask God to remove frictions from among them.
- Pray that they will prosper and be in health.
- Ask God to strengthen them for the task.
- Bless the name of the Lord for prayers answered.
DAY 4: September 20th
- Thank God for the Theme of this years BABIC 2019.
- Declare that this theme shall take hold of every covenant family.
- Pray that this theme shall open unto covenant family uncommon miracles, signs, and wonders henceforth.
- Pray about BABIC 2019 that God’s ministering angels will open the doors of help for His people.
- Through BABIC 2019, the divine door for ministry growth will be open.
- Pray that the Lord will make known to covenant family the secrets of their inner life.
- Let the word of God explode in our midst.
- O Lord, revive us through this theme.
DAY 5: September 21st
- Thank God for as many that will travel during the BABIC 2019.
- Sprinkle the Blood of Jesus over the sea, air, and roads.
- Take authority over the roads, sea, and air, declare safety in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that all the journeys before God’s people be peaceful and safe.
- Pray that angels are dispatched to take charge and makes every journey smooth.
- Ask God that all that shall travel during BABIC 2019, shall arrive and return safely to meet all that they left behind intact with life and testimony.
- Declare that every vehicle, ship, and planes God’s people will be traveling with are covered by the Blood of Jesus.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide God’s people to the right car, ship, and plane to take.
- Paralyze any power assigned to cause an accident as God’s people embark on their journey.
- Thank the Lord for the opportunity to travel.
DAY 6: September 22nd
- Thank the Lord for raising up New Covenant Gospel Church.
- Pray that God will rekindle a fresh passion in the church for His word.
- Pray that God will strengthen the prayer lives of His people.
- Pray that the Lord will release the power of miracles and wonders in a higher dimension upon the church.
- Pray against every ministry destroyer.
- Release ministry helpers into the ministry.
- Pray that the church will not miss the place that God has meant for her.
- Pray that God will do a work that will announce this ministry the more.
- Break every power that would hinder the growth of the ministry.
- Pray for outstanding growth in the ministry.
- Pray for God’s mighty visitation upon the church.
- Bless the name of the Lord for the answer to prayers.
DAY 7: September 23rd
- Thank the Lord for the lives of our foreign guests.
- Pray that God will order every one of their steps.
- Pray that God will open doors for all foreign guests that will attend BABIC 2019.
- Pray that their stay in Nigeria will be most peaceful and rewarding.
- Pray that they will not be denied visa in the embassy.
- Pray that as they attend BABIC 2019, the Lord will open a better chapter in their lives and ministries.
- Refuse every bad news concerning our foreign guests and their families in the name of Jesus.
- Command every force that would want to oppose them to be broken.
- Pray that as they touch the hem of Jesus’ garment by faith during BABIC 2019. virtue will flow into their lives, families, and ministry.
- Give thanks to the Lord for prayers answered.
DAY 8: September 24th
- Thank the Lord for His faithfulness in our finances.
- Let us pray that God will have mercy upon us for our financial unfaithfulness in the past.
- Declare that as many that will make a financial commitment towards BABIC 2019, will be blessed.
- Pray for prosperity upon God’s people.
- Pray for a release of the finances that are needed to execute BABIC 2019.
- Break every power that is denying God’s people of their breakthrough.
- Pray for the divine power needed for financial dominion upon every member of the church.
- Pray that the Lord will bless the labour of our hands.
- Pray that God will do a quick work in our finances.
- Pray that God will enlarge the streams of our income.
- Thank the Lord for answers to prayers.
DAY 9: September 25th
FOCUS: SECURITY (Psalm 127: 1-2)
- Bless the Lord for the peace that dwells in our midst.
- Pray for God’s protection upon every one that will be involved in security in BABIC 2019.
- Pray that all covenant family members and property are secured in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that there will be no security challenges, before during and after BABIC 2019.
- Cancel every plan of the enemy to embarrass the church.
- Release God’s angels against all those that will want to oppose the peace during BABIC 2019.
- Pray that God will watch over His people during BABIC 2019.
- Pray and arrest every satanic agent that will be used to disturb the peace during BABIC 2019.
- Pray that the Lord will secure as many that will be gathering during BABIC 2019.
- Thank the Lord for answers to prayers.
DAY 10: September 26th
- Give thanks to God for members of the Covenant family.
- Paralyze every power striving to distract covenant family from God.
- Break every power that is influencing and pulling covenant family from growing spiritually.
- Pray that the church will not miss the place that God has meant for her.
- Pray that God will do a work that will announce this ministry the more
- Break every power that would hinder the growth of the ministry.
- Pray for God’s mighty visitation upon the church.
- Bless the name of the Lord for the answer to prayers.
DAY 11: September 27th
- Thank God for the life of Mama Omobude
- Pray that God will strengthen her.
- Pray that God will announce her with mighty signs and wonders.
- Prayer that God will anoint Mama with fresh oil.
- Pray that God will bless Mama with good health.
- Release God sent helpers into Mama’s life and ministry.
- Pray that God’s protection will be upon Mama.
- Pray that the will of God will prevail over every other will in her life.
- Pray that God will always grant her the door of utterance to speak His word.
- Pray for unusual understanding as she studies God’s word.
- Pray that God will deliver Mama Omobude from the daily attacks of ministry killers in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that God will rekindle a fresh passion in Mama Omobude concerning all that He has committed into her hand.
- O Lord, baptize every area of her life with dumbfounding miracles.
- Pray that the Lord will give her the confronting authority to achieve greater results.
- Praise the Lord for answered prayers.
DAY 12: September 28th
- Give thanks to God for all the miracles He has done in our past BABIC.
- Pray that every participant will experience the outpouring of miracles.
- Pray for the salvation of souls during BABIC 2019.
- Break the powers that will delay the manifestation of our miracles.
- Command that our wasted years be restored through what God will do in BABIC 2019.
- Pray for the manifestation of miracles, healing, and deliverance during BABIC 2019.
- Pray that during BABIC 2019 every unanswered question will receive answers.
- Pray that the word of God will prevail in our lives.
- Pray that God will open outstanding doors of opportunity for his people.
- Decree expansion and advancement for God’s people during and after BABIC 2019.
- Destroy every yoke of constant disappointment from the lives of the covenant family.
- O Lord, let favour meet favour in my life.
- Thank God for answers to prayers.
DAY 13: September 29th
FOCUS: BABIC 2019 SPEAKERS (Hebrews 1: 7)
- Thank the Lord for every one of His servant that will bring His word in BABIC 2019.
- Pray that God will quicken and prepare every of His servant that would minister during BABIC 2019.
- Ask God to grant them the door of utterance, so that they will speak the word of God with boldness, signs, and wonders manifesting.
- Pray that their eye of understanding be enlightened as they prepare for BABIC 2019.
- Ask God to ignite in them the fire of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for God to grant all the speakers’ journey mercies.
- Put God’s protection over their homes as they come for God’s assignment.
- Command every evil force organized against them and their family to be scattered.
- Pray God’s blessing and favour upon them during the course of their assignment in BABIC 2019.
- Paralyze every attack of the enemy targeted at the speakers, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 14: September 30th
FOCUS: PAPA OMOBUDE (Exodus 17: 8-15).
- Pray that God will open unto papa His good treasure.
- Thank the Lord for giving us Papa Omobude as a unique father.
- Thank the Lord for sustaining Papa as the PFN President.
- Pray that God will continue to protect Papa in all his undertaking in the name of Jesus.
- Pray for God to prosper Papa Omobude abundantly in every area of his life.
- Stand against any power that will want to conspire against Papa Omobude decree they are broken in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that God will help Papa Omobude to preserve the flocks under him.
- Pray that God will release upon Papa Omobude the unsearchable wisdom by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that Papa Omobude’s ministry will experience increase and enlargement.
- Pray that God will raise more vision helpers and burden-bearer for Papa Omobude in the name of Jesus.
- Declare open doors and new opportunities for Papa Omobude in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that God will continue to use Papa Omobude to show God’s people the right way.
- Bless the Lord for answering our prayers.
DAY 15: October 1st
FOCUS: PEACE IN OUR NATION (Jeremiah 1: 5-10)
- Thank God, who is the giver of peace, for the peace in this Nation.
- Pray and ask God to release peace upon Benin City, Edo State and Nigeria as a whole, as early morning showers.
- Pray that every hidden agenda and effort to pull Nigeria backward be broken.
- Pray that the presidency will be bold enough to sidetrack the selfish interest of ungodly politicians in the name of Jesus.
- Pray against all forms of wickedness, violence, terror, aggression, and contention in this nation, in the name of Jesus.
- Pull down every stronghold of the enemies of this nation, in the name of Jesus.
- Decree that the peace of God will rule in the hearts of every member of our household and in our nation.
- Pray that God will unmask the political heavyweights and pillars behind all evil activities in the name of Jesus.
- Decree that their hid-outs are exposed and push them over to the arm of the law, in the name of Jesus.
- Ask that God will intervene in the aggressive northern region of the nation, in the name of Jesus.
- Pray against the activities of kidnappers, armed robbers, criminals, and mischief-makers in the name of Jesus.
- Pray for the full functionality of electricity, GSM service providers and the availability of petroleum product throughout BABIC 2019 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
- Thank the Lord for answers to prayers.
DAY 16: October 2nd
- Thank the Lord for the first day of BABIC 2019.
- Pray for the opening ceremony and all activities of the first day that the hand of the Lord will be mighty upon all Covenant family and delegates.
- Pray for the safe arrival of all delegates and participants from our various branches and other places.
- Pray that an unusual power of God will be upon the speaker of the first day.
- Pray and cancel every form of satanic harassment on the first day of the convention.
- Lift Papa Omobude before God that as he declares BABIC 2019 open unexplainable miracles shall manifest.
- Pray God’s unction upon all that will be ministering during the first day of BABIC 2019 in the name of Jesus.
- Pray for God’s touch upon his people so that the wasted years shall be restored.
- Pray that all that will be present during the first day of BABIC 2019 will be imparted by God’s grace in the name of Jesus.
- Thank God for answering our prayers.
DAY 17: October 3rd
FOCUS: DAY 2 of BABIC 2019
- Thank the Lord for what He has done in Day 1 of BABIC 2019.
- Thank the Lord also for what He will do in Day 2 of BABIC 2019.
- Pray and commit the morning session of day 2 BABIC 2019.
- Decree that the messages that will be preached on day 2 of BABIC 2019 will bring revival to God’s people.
- Pray for the evening service; ask that God will do definite things in our lives.
- Pray for those that will be officiating during day 2 of BABIC 2019 for grace and unction upon their lives.
- Pray against any form of embarrassment in day 2 of BABIC 2019.
- Pray for the fresh anointing on all the speakers for Day 2 of BABIC 2019 and that God will back them up to do the miraculous.
- Pray that all of us will experience God and His mighty works.
- Thank the Lord for answering our prayers.
DAY 18: October 4th
- Thank God for all he will do in Day 3 of BABIC 2019.
- Ask that destinies, marriages, businesses, and relationships will experience God’s resurrection power.
- Pray for a new dawn of the Holy Ghost visitation for every family and the church.
- Pray that God will give us victory over all carnality and help us to be in the center of his will.
- Pray that God will give us a big appetite for pure milk and solid food in the word of God.
- Pray that God will make us hunger and thirst for righteousness in the name of Jesus.
- Paralyze every enemy of a breakthrough so that they will not function anymore in the lives of God’s people.
- Decree that your miracles for Day 3 will not pass you by in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that all that will be done on Day 3 BABIC 2019 will bring God’s glory to manifestation.
- Bless the Lord for answering our prayers.
DAY 19: October 5th
- Thank God for all He will do in Day 4 of BABIC 2019.
- Pray that God will use Day 4 of BABIC 2019 to bring restoration to every area of the lives of his people.
- Pray for every speaker for the day, that God’s grace shall be upon them.
- Pray that God will ignite our spiritual life so that we will stop fishing in unprofitable waters.
- Pray that God’s plan and purpose for our lives will prevail in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that God will repair the foundation of our lives, so that we can carry divine prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
- Stand against the effects of evil designs against our lives in the name of Jesus.
- Pray for the day’s activities, that all we will do on that day shall bring refreshing, comfort, healing, upon our lives.
- Pray that the anointing for good success and breakthrough will come upon our lives in the name of Jesus.
- Thank the Lord for the testimonies that will follow.
DAY 20: October 6th
- Thank God for the testimonies of the past four days.
- Ask for uncommon grace to rest upon all that will be done on day 5 BABIC 2019.
- Pray against any kind of hindrance in the lives of our members that will stop them from attending day 5 BABIC 2019.
- Ask that the Holy Spirit will manifest in our midst mightily on that day.
- Nullify all spiritual weapons that intend to slow down our progress in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that the Lord will open our lives to accommodate His glory.
- Pray for a new and greater unction for this day that will cause the work of the Lord to stick in our hearts.
- Pray that none of us will be robbed of our miracles in the name of Jesus.
- Ask God for his power to be upon all our speakers and ministers for the day.
- Ask God to order our inner life so that we can hear God clearly.
- Thank God for answered prayers.
DAY 21: October 7th
- Thank God for Day 6 of BABIC 2019.
- Pray for the Day’s activities and commit them into the hands of our God, ask the Holy Spirit to direct the day’s proceedings.
- Pray for the church leaders, that God will increase and strengthen them.
- Pray for all ministers that will be on duty that they will receive the backing of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray that the Lord will empower the prayer alter of every one of our leaders in the name of Jesus.
- Claim the anointing for good success in every area of lives upon our leaders.
- Pray for Papa Omobude as he presides over the program.
- Thank God for answers to prayers.
DAY 22: October 8th
FOCUS: DAY 7 of BABIC 2019
- Thank the Lord for all His goodness.
- Pray that God will perfect all that concern his people on this final day of BABIC 2019.
- Pray for all that will be done on this final day, that God will use it to bring revival to us in every area of our lives.
- Break every power shutting off the good treasures of God from the Church in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that your miracle will not be replaced in the name of Jesus.
- Declare with your mouth that nothing shall be impossible with me anymore in the name of Jesus.
- Decree that God will arise and disgrace every power challenging God in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, fill every void in my life.
- Thank the Lord for answers to prayers.
DAY 23: October 9th
- Bless the name of the Lord for all His blessings upon lighthouse polytechnic.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit will unite the vision for all the stakeholders to achieve God’s purpose for the school.
- Pray that the students will be trained to acquire technical skills and competence needed for self-reliance, sustainable technological industrial and national development of Nigeria.
- Pray that the students will not only be technologically vibrant, sound, articulate and on the cutting edge, but that they will be above all preferred in the open market.
- Pray against all manner of vices such as examination malpractice, cultism, and immorality, pray it will not take root in the polytechnic.
- Declare that the institution will blaze the trail of moral rectitude and be a shining example for all other private polytechnics in the country to emulate.
- Pray for financial provision to expedite rapid infrastructural development of the school.
DAY 24: October 10th
- Thank the Lord for all He had done in GLIM Bible College.
- Pray for all the ministers of the gospel that is being trained in GLIM Bible College, that they will always be on fire for the Lord.
- Pray for the accelerated physical development of GLIM Bible College.
- Pray for GLIM Bible College, that the school will grow from strength to strength.
- Break every power that has opposed the growth of GLIM Bible College.
- Pray that GLIM Bible College will take her rightful place among Bible Schools.
- Pray for papa and the staff of GLIM Bible College that the hand of God will be mighty upon them.
- Thank God for answers to prayers.
DAY 25: October 11th
- Bless the name of the Lord for all He has done in Covenant Christian Academy.
- Pray that Covenant Christian Academy will exalt and magnify the Lord.
- Pray that God will give Covenant Christian Academy the staffs that will be committed to the growth of the school.
- Pray against every destructive force that is against the school.
- Decree that every power that will want to hinder the growth of Covenant Christian Academy is broken.
- Decree that Covenant Christian Academy will grow and spread all over the Nation.
- Thank God for answers to prayers.
DAY 26: October 12th
- Thank the Lord for providing conducive hotel and hostel accommodation at BABIC 2019.
- Dedicate and consecrate all the hotel and hostel accommodation unto the Lord.
- Pray for all campers that, the hand of the Lord will be upon them.
- Ask that the Lord will keep the homes of all campers, while they are in camp.
- Claim divine protection for all our campers, in the name of Jesus.
- Command all foundational strongman attached to any of the hotel or hostel to be paralyzed.
- Pray against unruly behaviour among all campers. Pray that the terrors and horrors of the wicked ones shall not touch any of our campers in the name of Jesus.
- Declare that they shall find grace and favour in the sight of the Lord while in camp.
- Pray that our speakers and delegates shall be under God’s covering during BABIC 2019.
- Pray for the caterers and those that will be in charge of the food, that the hand of the Lord will rest upon them.
- Pray and sanctify all the food, the water that will be taken during BABIC 2019 that there will be no food poisoning.
- Give the Lord thanks for answered prayers.
DAY 27: October 13th
FOCUS: THANKSGIVING (1 Corinthians 15: 57)
- Bless God for His strength that has seen us through these prayers and fasting.
- Thank God for all the healings that had taken place.
- Thank God for the success of BABIC 2019.
- Thank God for the breakthroughs He has given to His people.
- Bless God for the Deliverance He has wrought in the lives of His people.
- Thank the Lord because He has given us victory in every area.
- Thank the Lord for the book of remembrance for all of Covenant families.
- Thank the Lord for answering all your prayers.
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