Focus: Papa Felix I. Omobude
(Acts 2: 22, 1 Tim. 1: `12, Acts 26: 19)
- Let’s give God thanks for Papa Omobude’s life that He raised up for the work of the Ministry at a time such as this – 1 Tim. 1: 12.
- Pray God to always back up his faith to continue to produce incredible miracles and transforming lives in New Covenant Gospel Church and other Ministries as God works with him – Acts 2:22, Mark 16:20..
- Pray God to open more doors of opportunity for him to be used of God in our national life and beyond as the light of the world that he is- Matt. 5: 14, Col. 4:3.
- Pray that the oil of grace upon his life will not run dry, but be ever fresh to impact more lives, than he has done in the past. – Psa. 92:10, Phil. 1:7
- Pray God to strengthen His divine hedge of defence round about him, his household and Ministry – Zech. 2:5, Psa. 91: 1-2.
- Declare that his messages will always hit its targets and tear down thrones and dominion of demonic strategies to set captives free in demonstrations f the Spirit and power- 1 Cor.2: 4.
- Pray that as his age is, so his strength shall be as God renews his youth like that of an eagle- Psa. 103: 5.
- Pray for journey mercies for him within and outside his nation by road and by air, asking God to hide him in his secret place –Psa. 91:1, Eze. 37:1.
- Pray for his Vision to reach the world with the Gospel Light will become brighter and more glorious in conquering more lands for Christ Jesus as God raises up more men and women to publish it further and farther- Psa. 68: 11. .
- As a New Covenant Pentecostal, Pray all manner of prayers and supplications in the Holy Spirit to conclude today’s journey as the Holy Ghost Himself giveth you utterances- Eph.6:18, Acts 2:4, Rom. 8: 26-27, Jude 1:20
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