BABIC 2022 prayer outline for day 2 of 35 days of many infallible proofs
Text: Exo. 31: 1-7
- Let’s bless the Name of the LORD for all the men and women that He sought and found unto Himself to serve Him alone in the Central Working Committee for this year’s BABIC – Psa. 89:20, ‘Matt. 4:10.
- Let’s pray for Rev. Osas Omoruyi and every other member of the Committee, that the Holy Spirit will graciously guide them in their service as they work with Him the Holy Spirit, to prosecute a successful BABIC 2022 – Rom. 8: 14, Psa. 32:8, 1 John 2: 27, Mark 16:20.
- Pray for faithfulness and fervency of Spirit to serve God who called them into this His business- Luke 2:49, Rom. 12:11, 1 Tim. 1:12
- Pray that the Central Working Committee and all sub Committees listed hereunder will work together with the mind of Christ Jesus as per Mark 10:45, a call to minister (serve) first and not be served first – Phil. 2:5.
Registration; Prayer/Intercession;
Accommodation of Guest Speakers/Campers; Transportation;
Security; Medical; Hospitality/Welfare; Publicity; Sanitation;
Contact; Protocol; Food Vendors; Finance; Technical;
Opening Rally; Morning/Evening Sessions.
- As they serve God alone who called them into His service with their lives, time, money, resources, etc., let God who called them honour them by Himself – Gen. 15: 1, John 12:26.
- As a New Covenant Pentecostal, Pray all manner of prayers and supplications in the Holy Spirit to conclude today’s journey as the Holy Ghost Himself giveth you utterances- Eph.6:18, Acts 2:4, Rom. 8: 26-27, Jude 1:20 .
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