BABIC 2022 prayer outline for day 4 of 35 days of many infallible proofs
TEXT: (Acts 1:3)
- Let’s thank G
OD for the release / sending forth of His prophetic Word unto us, even the theme- Psa.107:20a, 68:10a
- Pray that God will watch over His Word to perform lives of all – Gen. 21:1,
Jer. 1:12.l
- Pray that Jesus Christ will shew Himself alive from the dead wherein He died for us, by His appearance to every NCGC member and Attendees to BABIC 2022- Acts 1:3, John 20:19, 26, Gen. 12:7. 17:1, Matt. 1:20, Mark 16:9
- Pray that with His appearing to us, we shall be changed from glory to glory, health-wise, riches-wise, etc, even as we see Him with unveiled faces as He is to us, the same yesterday, today and forever- Tit. 2:13, 1 John 3:2. 2 Cor. 3:18, Heb. 13:8.
- Pray that we as believers will showcase the eternal truth that Jesus Christ is alive from the dead to the world around us with many infallible proofs as He works with us- Mark 16: 15-20, Matt. 28:17-20.
- As a New Covenant Pentecostal, Pray all manner of prayers and supplications in the Holy Spirit to conclude today’s journey as the Holy Ghost Himself giveth you utterances- Eph.6:18, Acts 2:4, Rom. 8: 26-27, Jude 1:20 .
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