TEXT: LUKE 10:25-37
INTRODUCTION: We have an array of interesting characters in our text. We have the Expert, the Priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan. We also have the innkeeper. The context is one in which the lawyer, or expert of the law, was looking for a way to justify himself. In today’s study, we are examining how this error may creep into a believer’s life and what we must do to shine as a light in a dark world. May we shine as light and dispel darkness and bring solace to all that God brings our way in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
A. Our Life
The quest for self-justification can come from the pride of attainment or from a religious spirit. The religious person may be grounded in the letter of the word of God but is shallow with regard to the spirit of the word. Such persons dwell on religious observances and glory in self-righteousness.
a) Religion: Habakkuk 2:4; Matthew 5:20; Luke 18:9-14; Luke 18:18-23
b) Pride: Proverbs 18:11; 2 Cor 3:5-6
c) The hidden life: Acts 17:28; Colossians 3:3
B. Our Light
The believer must learn from examples set by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He responded to the weak and poor with compassion. He cared about people wounded by the arrows of life. He is the light of the world and we are saved to shine.
a) Salt and Light: Proverbs 14:34; Matthew 5:14-17; John 1:4
b) Compassion: Exodus 2:6; Psalm 145:8; Matthew 9:13; Luke 7:13; Luke 10:33; 15:20
c) Empathy: Ezekiel 3:15; Luke 10:31-32; 1 John 3:10
C. Our Investment
The world is full of intrigues, conceit, suspicion, insecurity and all manners of evil. Jesus Christ was ready to be interrupted and willing to be inconvenienced in order to help the lost. There is so much mistrust in the world today. Can you be trusted?
a) Care: Luke 10:33-34
b) Time: Luke 10:33-35; John 4:40
c) Trust: Luke 10:35
CONCLUSION: Although self-righteousness and pride led the lawyer to tempt Jesus concerning the qualification for eternal life. There were certain doubts in his mind concerning his standing with God. At the end of the discuss, he learned that he had not been keeping the law of which he thought he was an expert. He had not loved his neighbour because he did not know that the wounded, robbed and injured persons he ignores are his neighbours. The question is how do we respond to the charge from Jesus when he said “Go, and do thou likewise”?
John 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
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